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Enferm. actual Costa Rica (Online) ; (46): 58441, Jan.-Jun. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1550242


Resumo Introdução: A gestação configura-se como um acontecimento único e memorável para a vida de uma mulher. A gravidez de alto risco é uma experiência estressante em razão dos riscos a que estão submetidos a mãe e o bebê e devido às mudanças que afetam negativamente o seu equilíbrio emocional. Objetivo: Identificar os sentimentos vivenciados pela gestante frente à gravidez de alto risco. Método: Descritivo e exploratório com abordagem qualitativa, com amostra por conveniência composta por mulheres com gestação de alto risco, selecionadas de acordo com a disponibilidade do serviço de internamento, até a saturação das entrevistas. A coleta dos dados foi realizada em um período de dois meses através de entrevistas guiadas por um roteiro. Os dados foram analisados por meio da técnica de análise de conteúdo segundo Minayo. Resultados: Fizeram parte 37 mulheres. Os resultados foram oeganizados nas categorias: Como se deu o diagnóstico de alto risco; Sentimentos ao descobrir que a gestação é/era de risco; Sentimentos em relação ao apoio familiar acerca da gestação de alto risco. Os sentimentos relatados pelas gestantes e puérperas que conviveram com a gravidez de alto risco, deixam evidentes os impactos que este evento traz não somente na saúde física sobretudo para a emocional, deixando as gestantes fragilizadas. Conclusão: Assim, o estudo nos permitiu perceber que os sentimentos vivenciados nesse processo podem interfir na vida dessas mulheres, e de forma negativa. Mas, que apesar dessa situação, estas expressam sentimentos ambíguos, pois mesmo com o risco gestacional, muitas mostram-se felizes pela dádiva de ser mãe.

Resumen Introducción: El embarazo se considera un evento único y memorable en la vida de una mujer. El embarazo de alto riesgo es una experiencia estresante debido a los riesgos a los que están expuestas tanto la madre como su bebé y a los cambios que afectan negativamente su equilibrio emocional. Objetivo: Identificar los sentimientos experimentados por las mujeres embarazadas frente a un embarazo de alto riesgo. Metodología: Descriptivo y exploratorio con enfoque cualitativo, con una muestra a conveniencia compuesta por mujeres con embarazos de alto riesgo, seleccionadas según la disponibilidad del servicio de hospitalización, hasta la saturación de las entrevistas. La recopilación de datos se llevó a cabo durante un período de dos meses a través de entrevistas guiadas. Los datos fueron analizados utilizando la técnica de análisis de contenido según Minayo. Resultados: Participaron 37 mujeres y los resultados se organizaron en las siguientes categorías: cómo se realizó el diagnóstico de alto riesgo; sentimientos al descubrir que el embarazo era de riesgo; sentimientos con respecto al apoyo familiar en relación con el embarazo de alto riesgo. Los sentimientos relatados por las mujeres embarazadas y posparto que vivieron un embarazo de alto riesgo evidencian los impactos que tiene este evento no solo en la salud física sino, especialmente, en el bienestar emocional, pues deja a las mujeres embarazadas en un estado de vulnerabilidad. Conclusión: El estudio nos permitió darnos cuenta de que los sentimientos experimentados en este proceso pueden interferir en la vida de estas mujeres de manera negativa. Sin embargo, a pesar de esta situación, muchas de ellas expresan sentimientos ambiguos, porque, incluso con el riesgo gestacional, están agradecidas por el regalo de la maternidad.

Abstract Introduction: Pregnancy is considered a unique and memorable event in a woman's life. High-risk pregnancy is a stressful experience due to the risks to which the mother and the baby are exposed, and due to the changes that negatively affect their emotional balance. Objective: To identify the feelings experienced by pregnant women facing high-risk pregnancy. Method: Descriptive and exploratory, employing a qualitative approach, the study featured a convenience sample of women with high-risk pregnancies, selected based on inpatient service availability, until interview saturation was achieved. Data collection was conducted over a two-month period through scripted interviews. Data analysis was performed utilizing Minayo's content analysis technique. Results: Thirty-seven women participated in the study. The results were categorized as follows: How the high-risk diagnosis was determined; Feelings upon discovering the pregnancy was high-risk; Feelings regarding family support regarding the high-risk pregnancy. The feelings reported by pregnant and postpartum women who experienced high-risk pregnancies clearly reveal the impacts this event has, not only on physical health, but especially on emotional well-being, leaving the pregnant women in a vulnerable state. Conclusion: The study allowed us to realize that the feelings experienced in this process can negatively interfere in the lives of these women. However, despite this situation, many of them express mixed feelings, because even with the gestational risk, they are grateful for the gift of motherhood.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Prenatal Care/psychology , Women's Health , Pregnancy, High-Risk/psychology
Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 37: eAPE01901, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1519820


Resumo Objetivo Avaliar a estrutura e o fluxo assistencial do acolhimento - classificação de risco e emergência obstétrica em uma maternidade pública no contexto da COVID-19. Métodos Estudo do tipo avaliação normativa e observacional nos setores de Acolhimento (Classificação de Risco e Emergência Obstétrica) de uma maternidade pública no Rio de Janeiro. A coleta de dados foi realizada de junho a agosto de 2020 por 480 horas de observação direta não participante, com registros sistematizados em checklist contendo variáveis relacionadas à disponibilidade e conformidade dos recursos estruturais, e à conformidade do fluxo assistencial. Os dados foram organizados em planilhas (Microsoft Excel® 2010) e analisados usando a estatística descritiva. Resultados A avaliação da estrutura obteve 80,3% de disponibilidade, resultando em classificação de alta disponibilidade e 91,1% de conformidade, obtendo conformidade adequada. O fluxo assistencial mostrou 72,7% de conformidade total; 9,1% de conformidade parcial e 18,2% de não cumprimento, configurando-se como alta conformidade. Conclusão A avaliação normativa indicou altas disponibilidade e conformidade em estrutura e fluxo assistencial nos cenários estudados.

Resumen Objetivo Evaluar la estructura y el flujo de asistencia de recepción, clasificación de riesgo y emergencia obstétrica, en una maternidad pública en el contexto del COVID-19. Métodos Estudio tipo evaluación normativa y observacional en los sectores de Recepción (clasificación de riesgo y emergencia obstétrica) de una maternidad pública en Rio de Janeiro. La recopilación de datos se realizó de junio a agosto de 2020 durante 480 de observación directa no participante, con registros sistematizados en una checklist con variables relacionadas con la disponibilidad y conformidad de los recursos estructurales y con la conformidad del flujo de asistencia. Los datos se organizaron en planillas (Microsoft Excel® 2010) y se analizaron usando la estadística descriptiva. Resultados La evaluación de la estructura obtuvo un 80,3 % de disponibilidad, que tuvo como resultado una clasificación de alta disponibilidad, y un 91,1 % de conformidad, con una conformidad adecuada. El flujo de asistencia mostró un 72,7 % de conformidad total, un 9,1 % de conformidad parcial y un 18,2 % de no cumplimiento, lo que se configura como alta conformidad. Conclusión La evaluación normativa indicó alta disponibilidad y alta conformidad en estructura y flujo de asistencia en los escenarios estudiados.

Abstract Objective Evaluate the structure and care flow - risk classification and obstetric emergency in a public maternity hospital in the context of COVID-19. Methods Normative and observational evaluation study in the Care sectors (Risk Classification and Obstetric Emergency) of a public maternity hospital in Rio de Janeiro. Data collection was carried out from June to August 2020 for 480 hours of non-participant direct observation, with records systematized in a checklist containing variables related to the availability and compliance of structural resources, and the compliance of the care flow. Data were organized into spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel® 2010) and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results The framework assessment scored 80.3% availability, resulting in a high availability rating, and 91.1% compliance, achieving adequate compliance. The care flow showed 72.7% of total compliance; 9.1% of partial compliance and 18.2% of non-compliance, configuring high compliance. Conclusion Normative evaluation indicated high availability and compliance in structure and care flow in the studied scenarios.

Rev. méd. Minas Gerais ; 33: e-33202, Jan.-Dez. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551671


INTRODUÇÃO: De etiologia desconhecida, a hiperêmese gravídica é um quadro caracterizado por vômitos persistentes, perda de 5% ou mais do peso, cetonúria, hipocalemia e desidratação. Acredita-se que a gonadotrofina coriônica humana (hCG) provoque aumento das náuseas e vômitos por meio de seu estímulo à produção de estrogênio pelo ovário, provocando a exacerbação dos sintomas do "enjoo matinal". OBJETIVO: Logo, essa revisão narrativa tem como objetivo analisar as repercussões fetais do quadro de hiperêmese gravídica. MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas buscas em Sistema Online de Busca e Análise de Literatura Médica - MEDLINE®. Sendo utilizadas os Medical Subject Headings (MeSh terms) e seus sinônimos: "hyperemesis gravidarum", "fetal risks", sendo selecionados ao todo 13 artigos. RESULTADOS: Os estudos demonstraram que a hiperêmese gravídica pode trazer malefícios para mãe e feto. A gestante pode apresentar distúrbios eletrolíticos, encefalopatia de Wernicke, fraqueza muscular, disfunções emocionais como depressão, ansiedade e estresse pós-traumático. DISCUSSÃO: Os estudos revelaram que a patologia pode estar relacionada ao risco aumentado para desfechos adversos no nascimento, como baixo peso ao nascer, nascimento prematuro e pequena estatura para idade gestacional. Ademais, alguns estudos relataram os riscos prejudiciais no neurodesenvolvimento do recém-nascido, como problemas psicológicos e comportamentais na idade adulta, redução à sensibilidade à insulina, e comorbidades (obesidade e doenças cardiovasculares) além de distúrbios de desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor. CONCLUSÃO: Gestantes que apresentam o quadro de hiperêmese gravídica devem ser regularmente acompanhadas com consultas entre 1 a 2 semanas, conforme a gravidade do caso e o mais precocemente possível tratadas, a fim de evitar maiores complicações tanto maternas quanto fetais.

INTRODUCTION: Of unknown etiology, hyperemesis gravidarum is a condition characterized by persistent vomiting, 5% or more weight loss, ketonuria, hypokalemia and dehydration. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is believed to cause increased nausea and vomiting through its stimulation of estrogen production by the ovary, causing exacerbation of "morning sickness" symptoms. OBJECTIVE: Thus, this narrative review aims to analyze the fetal repercussions of hyperemesis gravidarum. METHODS: Searches were performed in the Online Medical Literature Analysis and Search System - MEDLINE®. The Medical Subject Headings (MeSh terms) and their synonyms were used: "hyperemesis gravidarum", "fetal risks", being selected a total of 13 articles. RESULTS: The studies showed that hyperemesis gravidarum can bring harm to mother and fetus. The pregnant woman may present electrolyte disturbances, Wernicke's encephalopathy, muscle weakness, emotional dysfunctions such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress. DISCUSSION: The studies revealed that hyperemesis gravidarum may be associated with increased risk of adverse outcomes. Furthermore, some studies reported harmful risks in neurodevelopment of the newborn, such as psychological and behavioral problems in adulthood, reduced sensitivity to insulin, and comorbidities (obesity and cardiovascular diseases) and neurodevelopmental disorders. CONCLUSION: Pregnant women who present with hyperemesis gravidarum should be followed up with consultations between 1 to 2 weeks, according to the severity of the case and treated as early as possible in order to avoid further complications both maternal and fetal.

Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications , Hyperemesis Gravidarum , Fetal Development , Hyperemesis Gravidarum/complications
Cambios rev. méd ; 22 (2), 2023;22(2): 928, 16 octubre 2023. ilus, tabs
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1516529


El procedimiento quirúrgico cesárea con miras a la historia es considerada como un avance de suma importancia en la dismi-nución del riesgo de mortalidad materna y perinatal1.Es la intervención más realizada a nivel de especialidad lo que conlleva riesgos inherentes, quirúrgicos y anestésicos2,3.En el año 2015 la incidencia en el Ecuador de terminación del embarazo por cesárea es del 29,3% en el sector público, 49,9% en Seguridad Social y 69,9% en clínicas privadas4. Para la Or-ganización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) en el mismo año refiere que "En ninguna región del mundo se justifica la incidencia de cesárea superior al 10- 15%"5. La variabilidad de indicación de cesárea, hace que sea necesaria la creación de guías y protocolos, para de esta manera unificar los criterios médicos, de acuerdo a la mejor evidencia científica disponible.

The cesarean section surgical procedure is historically considered a very important advance in reducing the risk of maternal and perinatal mortality1.It is the most frequently performed intervention at the specialty level, which entails inherent surgical and anesthetic risks2,3.In 2015, the incidence in Ecuador of termination of pregnancy by cesarean section is 29,3% in the public sector, 49,9% in Social Security and 69,9% in private clinics4. For the World Health Or-ganization (WHO) in the same year, it states that "In no region of the world is the incidence of cesarean section higher than 10-15% justified" 5.The variability of the indication for cesarean section makes it ne-cessary to create guidelines and protocols, in order to unify me-dical criteria, according to the best scientific evidence available.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications , Obstetric Surgical Procedures , Pregnancy , Cesarean Section , Parturition , Emergencies , Risk Management , Maternal Mortality , Pregnancy, High-Risk , Ecuador , Perinatal Mortality , Obstetric Labor Complications
Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 93(3): 300-307, jul.-sep. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513583


Resumen Introducción: Las enfermedades cardiovasculares en las gestantes son desafiantes, con alta morbimortalidad materna y perinatal, por lo que se recomienda un equipo cardio-obstétrico para su atención. Aun así, pocos datos evalúan el impacto de estos equipos. Por lo tanto, el presente estudio tiene como objetivo comparar los resultados obstétricos, maternos y neonatales del seguimiento semiestructurado (SSE) en una clínica cardio-obstétrica con respecto a un seguimiento usual o seguimiento no estructurado (SNE) en gestantes con enfermedad cardiaca. Métodos: Se realizó un registro prospectivo de gestantes con cardiopatías. Se compararon las pacientes con SSE por un equipo cardio-obstétrico, contra aquellas con evaluación única o SNE. Se calculó el riesgo de eventos según la clasificación de la Organización Mundial de la Salud modificado (OMSm) y la escala del Cardiac Disease in Pregnancy Study II (CARPREG-II) y se evaluaron los desenlaces cardiacos, obstétricos y neonatales. Resultados: Se evaluaron 168 pacientes, 37 con SSE y 131 con evaluación única (SNE). Los principales diagnósticos fueron cardiopatía congénita, arritmias y valvulopatías. La media del CARPREG-II en pacientes de SNE fue 2.48 (DE: 2.3) y en pacientes de SSE fue 3.37 (DE: 2.45; p = 0.041). La media de la OMSm en pacientes de SNE fue 2.1 (DE: 1.6) y con SSE fue 2.65 (DE: 0.95; p = 0.0052). No hubo diferencias significativas en los desenlaces cardiacos primarios (13.8% en SNE vs. 5.4% en SSE; p = 0.134), cardiacos secundarios (5.3 en SNE vs. 2.7 en SSE; p = 0.410), obstétricos (10% en SNE vs. 16.2% en SSE; p = 0.253) y neonatales (35.9% en SNE y 40.5% en SSE; p = 0.486) a pesar de que las pacientes con SSE tenían un riesgo mayor que las pacientes con SNE según las escalas de la OMSm y el CARPREG-II. Conclusiones: En gestantes con cardiopatía, un SSE comparado con un SNE por un equipo cardio-obstétrico no mostró diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los desenlaces cardiovasculares, obstétricos y neonatales, a pesar de que las pacientes con SSE tenían un riesgo significativamente más alto de desenlaces adversos por las escalas de la OMSm y el CARPREG-II. Esto sugiere que el SSE logra al menos equiparar los desenlaces a pesar del mayor riesgo de eventos adversos que tenían las pacientes de este grupo.

Abstract Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases in pregnant women are challenging, with high maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality, so a cardio-obstetric team is recommended for their care. Even so, little data evaluates the impact of these teams. Therefore, the present study aims to compare the obstetric, maternal, and neonatal outcomes of semi-structured follow-up (SSF) in a Cardio-obstetric clinic concerning regular or unstructured follow-up (USF) in pregnant women with heart disease. Methods: A prospective registry of pregnant women with heart disease was carried out. Patients with SSF by a cardio-obstetric team were compared with those with single evaluation or USF. The risk of events was calculated according to the modified World Health Organization (mWHO) classification and the CARPREG-II scale, and cardiac, obstetric, and neonatal outcomes were evaluated. Results: One hundred sixty-eight patients were evaluated, 37 with SSF and 131 with single evaluation (USF). The primary diagnoses were congenital heart disease, arrhythmias, and valve disease. The average CARPREG-II in USF patients was 2.48 (SD 2.3); in SSF patients, it was 3.37 (SD 2.45; p = 0.041). The average of the mWHO in patients with USF was 2.1 (SD 1.6), and with SSF, it was 2.65 (SD 0.95; p = 0.0052). There were no significant differences in primary cardiac outcomes (13.8% in USF vs. 5.4% in SSF; p = 0.134), secondary cardiac (5.3% in USF vs. 2.7% in SSF; p = 0.410), obstetric (10% in USF vs. 16.2% in SSF; p = 0.253) and neonatal (35.9% in USF and 40.5% in SSF; p = 0.486) even though patients with SSF had a higher risk than patients with USF according to the mWHO and CARPREG-II scales. Conclusions: In pregnant women with heart disease, an SSF compared with a USF by a cardio-obstetric team did not show statistically significant differences in cardiovascular, obstetric, and neonatal outcomes. However, patients with SSF had a significantly higher risk of adverse outcomes due to the mWHO and CARPREG-II scales. This result suggests that the SSF achieves at least equal outcomes despite the higher risk of adverse events that patients in this group had.

Saude e pesqui. (Impr.) ; 16(2): 11707, abr./jun. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510589


Analisar o comportamento da razão de mortalidade materna de 2012 a 2021, na Região Norte do Brasil. Estudo ecológico descritivo de base populacional e série temporal, de 2012 a 2021, com dados secundários da Região Norte do Brasil, disponíveis no Painel de Monitoramento de Mortalidade Materna e Nascidos Vivos. Entre 2012 e 2019, na Região Norte, a média da razão de mortalidade materna foi 72,19, mas, com a pandemia de COVID-19, elevou-se consideravelmente, sendo 92,16 em 2020 e 164 em 2021. Roraima apresentou a maior mortalidade materna na pandemia, em fevereiro de 2021 (705,65). Neste ano, o colapso do sistema de saúde do Amazonas impactou a razão de mortalidade materna, que foi 436,90 em fevereiro de 2021.A COVID-19 colaborou com o aumento da mortalidade materna, evidenciando desigualdades interestaduais e vulnerabilidades na assistência pré-natal, na infraestrutura hospitalar e socioeconômica da Região Norte, especialmente em Roraima e Amazonas.

To analyze the behavior of the maternal mortality ratio from 2012 to 2021 in the North Region of Brazil. Population-based descriptive ecological study and time series, from 2012 to 2021, with secondary data from the Northern Region of Brazil, available on the Monitoring Panel for Maternal Mortality and Live Births. Between 2012 and 2019, in the North Region, the average maternal mortality ratio was 72.19, but, with the COVID-19 pandemic, it increased considerably, being 92.16 in 2020 and 164 in 2021. Roraima presented higher maternal mortality in the pandemic, in February 2021 (705.65). That year, the collapse of the health system in Amazonas affected the maternal mortality ratio, which was 436.90 in February 2021.COVID-19 collaborated with the increase in maternal mortality, highlighting interstate inequalities and vulnerabilities in prenatal care, hospital, and socioeconomic infrastructure in the North Region, especially in Roraima and Amazonas.

Cambios rev. méd ; 22(1): 893, 30 Junio 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451326


Los movimientos fetales son uno de los primeros signos de vitalidad fetal. Durante la gestación, éstos van apareciendo progresivamente. La adecuada adquisición y mantenimiento de los mismos durante la gestación indica un correcto desarrollo neuromuscular, así como de bienestar fetal1. La percepción materna de una Disminución de los Movimientos Fetales (DMF) constituye un motivo de consulta frecuente en los Servicios de Urgencias Obstétricas; toda paciente embarazada debe vigilar los movimientos fetales, mediante un conteo subjetivo de los movimientos del feto, a partir de las 24 semanas de gestación. La DMF constituye el 5 ­ 15% de motivos de consulta en los servicios de Urgencias en el tercer trimestre del embarazo. Hasta un 25% de fetos que presentan una DMF presentarán alguna complicación perinatal (malformaciones, retraso de crecimiento, parto prematuro, hemorragia fetomaterna, y éxitus fetal) incluso en población de bajo riesgo. El manejo inadecuado de la DMF representa un 10-15% de las muertes evitables a término1-3. Es por esto que ninguna paciente que consulte por Disminución de Movimientos Fetales debe ser dada de alta sin asegurarse del adecuado bienestar fetal.

Fetal movements are one of the first signs of fetal vitality. During gestation, they appear progressively. Adequate acquisition and maintenance of fetal movements during gestation indicates correct neuromuscular development, as well as fetal well-being1. Maternal perception of decreased fetal movements (DMP) is a frequent reason for consultation in Obstetric Emergency Departments; every pregnant patient should monitor fetal movements by subjectively counting fetal movements, starting at 24 weeks of gestation. FMD constitutes 5-15% of the reasons for consultation in the emergency department in the third trimester of pregnancy. Up to 25% of fetuses with FMD will present some perinatal complication (malformations, growth retardation, premature delivery, fetomaternal hemorrhage, and fetal death) even in low-risk populations. Inadequate management of FMD accounts for 10-15% of preventable deaths at term1-3. This is why no patient who consults for decreased fetal movements should be discharged without ensuring adequate fetal well-being.

Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Pregnancy Complications , Pregnancy , Fetal Development , Fetal Monitoring , Fetal Movement , Obstetrics , Heart Rate, Fetal , Oximetry , Cardiotocography , Parturition , Ecuador , Emergency Medical Services , Fetal Death
Rev. Inst. Med. Trop ; 18(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449248


La toxoplasmosis es una zoonosis causada por el protozoarioToxoplasma gondii (T. gondii), de gran impacto en la salud fetal cuando se adquiere durante el embarazo, debido al riesgo de transmisión vertical. Puede producir manifestaciones clínicas en los recién nacidos: coriorretinitis, hidrocefalia, calcificaciones y retardo psicomotor. La detección precoz y la instauración de una terapéutica adecuada son claves para evitar complicaciones asociadas a la transmisión materno fetal. Objetivo: Describir las características clínicas de gestantes con diagnóstico de toxoplasmosis y de los recién nacidos de éstas, durante los años 2018 al 2021 que acudieron al Servicio de Infectología del Instituto de Previsión Social (IPS). Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte trasversal, utilizando un registro de datos de pacientes gestantes que acudieron al IPS durante los años 2018 al 2021. Resultados: Se incluyeron 62 gestantes; mediana de edad de 30 años, (21-44 años); 4 (6%) gestantes, realizaron su primera consulta en el primer trimestre, 39 (63%) en el segundo y 19 (31%) en el tercer trimestre. 9 (15%) pacientes fueron clasificadas como seroconversión, y 53 (85%) con sospecha de infección aguda. 55 pacientes fueron sometidas a amniocentesis; 26 (47%) tuvieron resultado de PCR detectable para Toxoplasma gondii en liquido amniótico, y 29 (53%) no detectable. Sólo 19 recién nacidos contaban con serologías para diagnóstico de toxoplasmosis congénita. Entre las complicaciones fetales se encontraron macrocefalia, e ictericia del RN.

Toxoplasmosis is a zoonosis caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii), with a great impact on fetal health when acquired during pregnancy, due to the risk of vertical transmission. It can produce clinical manifestations in newborns: chorioretinitis, hydrocephalus, calcifications and psychomotor retardation. Early detection and the establishment of adequate therapy are key to avoiding complications associated with fetal-maternal transmission. Objective: To describe the clinical characteristics of pregnant women diagnosed with toxoplasmosis and their newborns, during the years 2018 to 2021 who attended the Infectious Diseases Service of the Social Welfare Institute (IPS). Materials and methods: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study, using a data registry of pregnant patients who attended the IPS during the years 2018 to 2021. Results: 62 pregnant women were included; median age 30 years, (21-44 years); 4 (6%) pregnant women had their first consultation in the first trimester, 39 (63%) in the second and 19 (31%) in the third trimester. 9 (15%) patients were classified as having seroconversion, and 53 (85%) with suspected acute infection. 55 patients underwent amniocentesis; 26 (47%) had detectable PCR results for Toxoplasma gondii in amniotic fluid, and 29 (53%) undetectable. Only 19 newborns had serology tests for the diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis. Among the fetal complications were macrocephaly, and newborn jaundice.

Curitiba; s.n; 20230411. 78 p. tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1438135


Resumo: Introdução: O Coronavírus SARS-CoV-2, causador da covid-19, identificado em dezembro de 2019 e declarado em março de 2020 como uma pandemia, espalhou-se rapidamente, e desde então despertou olhares a respeito das populações vulneráveis, como gestantes e puérperas, consideradas suscetíveis quando se analisa o histórico de acometimento de doenças respiratórias nesta população. Objetivo: Analisar os desfechos obstétricos adversos em gestantes com covid-19 em um serviço de referência. Método: Estudo quantitativo transversal retrospectivo descritivo de série de casos entre gestantes internadas no serviço de ginecologia e obstetrícia em um Hospital Universitário localizado na região sudeste do Brasil, no período de 2020 a 2021. Resultados: Foram identificadas 26 gestantes com resultado positivo para o vírus, os desfechos encontrados foram admissão em UTI, uso de suporte ventilatório, parto prematuro, cesariana de emergência, necessidade de hemotransfusão e óbito. Sendo mais prevalente a necessidade de internação em UTI, seguida do parto prematuro que tiveram a datação corrigida em semanas para visualização de dias de vida perdidos, para maior precisão da investigação do encurtamento da gestação, o qual cálculo demonstrou que estes prematuros tiveram em média 38,6 dias potenciais de gravidez perdidos dos 280 dias ideais de gestação. Conclusão: O estudo proporcionou evidenciar a necessidade de vigilância e atenção às gestantes em futuras epidemias virais respiratórias com atenção focada nos principais desfechos adversos, assim podendo intervir em tempo oportuno e diminuir adversidades. Possibilitando como implicações para a prática fomentar protocolos de atendimento nas futuras epidemias para que não haja atrasos na tomada de decisão e intervenções ocorram em tempo oportuno.

Abstract: Introduction: The SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus, which causes covid-19, identified in December 2019 and declared a pandemic in March 2020, spread rapidly and has since awakened the attention of vulnerable populations, such as pregnant women and puerperal women, considered susceptible, when analyzing the history of respiratory diseases in this population. Objective: Analyze adverse obstetric outcomes in pregnant women with Covid-19 in a reference service. Method: Quantitative cross-sectional retrospective descriptive study of a case series among pregnant women admitted to the gynecology and obstetrics service at a University Hospital located in the southeastern region of Brazil, from 2020 to 2021. Results: Were identified 26 pregnant women with positive results for the virus, the outcomes found were admission to the ICU, use of ventilatory support, premature birth, emergency cesarean section, need for blood transfusion and death. Being more prevalent the need for hospitalization in the ICU, followed by premature birth that the dating in weeks was corrected to visualize the days of life lost, for greater precision in the investigation of the shortening of the pregnancy, which calculation showed that these premature infants had, on average, 38.6 potential days of pregnancy lost out of the ideal 280 days of pregnancy. Conclusion: The study provided evidence of the need for surveillance and care for pregnant women in future respiratory viral epidemics with attention focused on the main adverse outcomes, thus being able to intervene in a timely manner and reduce adversities. Implications for practice: Characterizing and knowing adverse outcomes makes it possible to promote care protocols in future epidemics and pandemics so that there are no delays in decision-making and interventions occur in a timely manner.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Respiratory Tract Diseases , Medical Records , Death , Pregnant Women , COVID-19 , Intensive Care Units
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530346


Objetivo : Determinar los efectos de la infección Covid-19 asintomática, leve y moderada en el primer y segundo trimestres en los resultados del embarazo. Métodos : El estudio se realizó en las gestantes que acudieron al Departamento de Perinatología de la Universidad de Ciencias de la Salud de Izmir entre octubre de 2021 y julio de 2022. Se registraron las mujeres embarazadas que presentaban infección asintomática, leve y moderada por Covid-19 en el 1º y 2º trimestre y se siguió el desarrollo de la gestación. Resultados : Un total de 437 pacientes participaron en el estudio. El número de pacientes asintomáticos, leves y moderados de Covid-19 fue de 142, 157 y 138, respectivamente. Cada grupo se analizó como subgrupo del 1º y 2º trimestre según el momento de la infección por Covid-19. La edad media de las pacientes con Covid-19 moderado era superior a la de las pacientes con Covid-19 leve/asintomático (p=0,021). Se observó que el índice de masa corporal era mayor en las pacientes con Covid-19 moderado que en las pacientes con infección leve/asintomática (p=0,048). El parto pretérmino (entre las semanas 34 y 37) fue significativamente mayor en los casos con infección moderada por Covid-19 (p=0,041). Este aumento ocurrió principalmente en pacientes con infección por Covid-19 en el 2º trimestre. No hubo modificaciones significativas en las tasas de cesárea, trastornos hipertensivos del embarazo, pérdida fetal, retraso del crecimiento intrauterino, colestasis del embarazo y diabetes gestacional. Conclusiones : Los efectos de la infección por Covid-19 al inicio del embarazo (1º y 2º trimestres) siguen siendo objeto de investigación. La infección moderada por Covid-19, especialmente en el 2º trimestre, puede provocar un aumento de la tasa de partos prematuros.

Objectives: To evaluate the effects of asymptomatic, mild and moderate Covid-19 infection in the 1st and 2nd trimesters on pregnancy outcomes. Material and methods: The study was performed among patients who applied to the Perinatology Department of Izmir University of Health Sciences, between October 2021 and July 2022. Pregnant women who had asymptomatic, mild and moderate Covid-19 infection in the 1st and 2nd trimesters were registered and their pregnancy processes were followed. Results: A total of 437 patients participated in the study. The numbers of asymptomatic, mild and moderate Covid-19 patients were 142, 157 and 138, respectively. Each group was analyzed as 1st and 2nd trimester subgroups according to the time of Covid-19 infection. The mean age of patients with moderate Covid-19 was higher than with mild/asymptomatic Covid-19 (p=0.021). Body mass index was found to be higher in patients with moderate Covid-19 compared to patients with mild/asymptomatic infection (p=0.048). Preterm labor (between 34th and 37th weeks) was significantly higher with moderate Covid-19 infection (p=0.041). This significant increase was mainly due to the preterm birth rate in patients with previous Covid-19 infection in the 2nd trimester. There was no significant change in the rates of cesarean section, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, fetal loss, intrauterine growth restriction, cholestasis of pregnancy and gestational diabetes. Conclusions: The effects of Covid-19 infection in early pregnancy (1st and 2nd trimester) are still the subject of research. Moderate Covid-19 infection, especially in the 2nd trimester, may lead to an increase in the rate of preterm birth.

Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442307


Background: Pregnancy is characterized as a physiological period with greater sensitivity to insulin resistance and changes in oxidative stress. Purinergic signaling is directly related to diabetes, as this condition modifies the concentration of extracellular ATP and the level of degradation of ATP to adenosine. Objective: Analyze oxidative stress and the purinergic system in pregnant women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) and compare them with low-risk pregnant women (LR). Materials and Methods: The research was of a quantitative approach of an experimental nature. The study was carried out at the Clínica da Mulher, which serves high-risk pregnant women, and at the Family Health Centers, which serves low-risk pregnant women, both located in Chapecó, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Results: From the analysis, it was observed that oxidative stress was increased in pregnant women in LR compared to pregnant women with GDM by increasing the concentration of TBARS and reducing the concentration of Carbonyl Protein in pregnant women with LR. Regarding the purinergic system, there was a significant decrease in the hydrolysis of the nucleotides ATP, ADP, and AMP in pregnant women with GDM, and a significant increase in the hydrolysis of ADA, also in pregnant women with GDM. Conclusion: Therefore, pregnant women with GDM have less oxidative stress compared to pregnant women in LR concerning TBARS and Carbonyl Protein markers, thus allowing a greater antioxidant defense mechanism. Furthermore, concerning the purinergic system, there is an increase in the activity of ADA, which is directly related to the immunosuppression process, a necessary condition for the protection of the fetus during the gestational period (AU).

Introdução: A gravidez é caracterizada como um período fisiológico em que há uma maior sensibilidade a resistência à insulina e alterações no estresse oxidativo. A sinalização purinérgica está diretamente relacionada ao diabetes, pois esta condição modifica a concentração de ATP extracelular e o nível de degradação de ATP em adenosina. Objetivo:Analisar o estresse oxidativo e o sistema purinérgico em gestantes com Diabetes Mellitus Gestacional (DMG) e compará-los com gestantes de baixo risco (BR). Materiais e Métodos: A pesquisa foi de abordagem quantitativa, de caráter experimental. O estudo foi realizado na Clínica da Mulher, que atende gestantes de alto risco, e nas Unidades de Saúde da Família, que atendem gestantes de baixo risco, ambas localizadas no município de Chapecó, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Resultados: A partir das análises, observou-se que o estresse oxidativo apresentou-se aumentado em gestantes de BR quando comparado a gestantes com DMG. No que tange ao sistema purinérgico, houve uma diminuição significativa na hidrólise dos nucleotídeos ATP, ADP e AMP em gestantes com DMG, bem como um aumento significativo na hidrólise de ADA, também em gestantes com DMG. Conclusão: Portanto, gestantes com DMG possuem menor estresse oxidativo quando comparado a gestantes de BR, permitindo assim, um maior mecanismo de defesa antioxidante. Para mais, no que se refere ao sistema purinérgico, verifica-se o aumento da concentração de ADA está diretamente relacionada ao processo de imunossupressão, condição necessária à proteção do feto durante o período gestacional (AU).

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications , Purines , Diabetes, Gestational , Oxidative Stress , Antioxidants
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 45(3): 149-159, Mar. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449714


Abstract Objective: This article aims to review the literature regarding the use of technologies to promote mental health for pregnant women. We seek to: understand the strategies that pregnant women use for mental health care. Also, we investigate the existence of scientific evidence that validates such practices. Methods: This study follows the PRISMA guidelines for systematic reviews. We analyze 27 studies published between 2012 and 2019. We include publications in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. Results: The results revealed several different possibilities to use technology, including the use of text messages and mobile applications on smartphones. Mobile applications are the most commonly used approaches (22.5%). Regarding the strategies used, cognitive-behavioral approaches, including mood checks, relaxation exercises, and psychoeducation comprised 44.12% of the content. Conclusion: There is a need for further investigation and research and development efforts in this field to better understand the possibilities of intervention in mental health in the digital age.

Resumo Objetivo: Este artigo objetiva revisar a literatura quanto ao uso das tecnologias como promotoras de saúde mental de gestantes. Desta forma, compreender quais são as estratégias utilizadas no cuidado da saúde mental dessas mulheres, assim como verificar se há evidências científicas que justifiquem a implementação dessas práticas. Métodos: Este estudo segue o protocolo PRISMA para revisões sistemáticas de 27 estudos publicados em 2012-2019, incluindo publicações em português, inglês e espanhol. Resultados: Os resultados revelaram diferentes possibilidades de utilização da tecnologia, sendo o uso de mensagens de texto e de aplicativos em smartphones mais os utilizados (22,5%). No que se refere às ferramentas utilizadas, estratégias cognitivo-comportamentais, tais como verificação do humor, exercícios de relaxamento e psicoeducação compreenderam 44,12% do conteúdo. Conclusão: Verifica-se a necessidade de mais investimentos nessa área para que se possa compreender as possibilidades de intervenção em saúde mental na era digital.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications , Prenatal Care , Telemedicine , Affective Symptoms/prevention & control
Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol ; 74(1): 28-36, ene.-mar. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1536051


Objetivos: Describir la frecuencia de complicaciones maternas en mujeres gestantes con placenta previa (PP) mayor o menor y evaluar una posible asociación entre tipo de PP y la presencia de hemorragia materna severa y otros resultados maternos asociados. Materiales y métodos: Cohorte retrospectiva, descriptiva. Se incluyeron gestantes con 20 semanas o más de embarazo, con diagnóstico confirmado de placenta previa, quienes fueron atendidas en un hospital de alto nivel de complejidad localizado en Cali (Colombia), entre enero de 2011 y diciembre de 2020. Se excluyeron las gestantes con diagnóstico de placenta previa y acretismo placentario concomitante. Las variables recolectadas fueron: edad materna, índice de masa corporal, tabaquismo, obesidad, paridad, presencia de sangrado, hemorragia posparto, manejo de la hemorragia posparto, transfusión y admisión a UCI de la gestante. Se realizó análisis descriptivo. El protocolo fue aprobado por el comité de ética de la Fundación Valle de Lili. Resultados: 146 pacientes cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. La población estuvo constituida por mujeres con una mediana de edad de 32 años, sin antecedente quirúrgico, con diagnóstico prenatal de placenta previa a la semana 22. En el 70,5 % de los casos se trató de pacientes con placenta previa mayor. Las complicaciones más frecuentes fueron hemorragia posparto (37,9 % vs. 16,3 % para pacientes con placenta previa mayor y menor, respectivamente), requerimiento de transfusión (23,3 y 9,3 %, respectivamente) y el ingreso materno a la UCI (40,8 % vs. 18,6 %, respectivamente). No se registraron muertes maternas. Conclusiones: Las mujeres con placenta previa experimentan una frecuencia elevada de complicaciones; probablemente, dicha frecuencia es más alta cuando se documenta placenta previa mayor. Se requieren más estudios que comparen la frecuencia de complicaciones maternas según el tipo de placenta previa.

Objectives: To describe the frequency of maternal complications in pregnant women with major or minor placenta previa (PP), and to assess a potential association between PP type and the presence of severe maternal bleeding and other associated outcomes. Material and methods: Retrospective descriptive cohort. The study included pregnant women with 20 weeks of gestation or more and a confirmed diagnosis of placenta previa who were seen in a high complexity hospital in Cali (Colombia), between January 2011 and December 2020. Women with a diagnosis of placenta previa and concomitant placenta accreta were excluded. The collected variables were maternal age, body mass index, smoking, obesity, parity, presence of bleeding, postpartum hemorrhage, management of postpartum hemorrhage, transfusion, and maternal ICU admission. A descriptive analysis was performed. The protocol was approved by the ethics committee of Fundaciónn Valle de Lili. Results: A total of 146 patients met the inclusion criteria. The population consisted of women with a mean age of 32 years, with no history of prior surgery, with a prenatal diagnosis of placente previa at week 22; 70% were major placenta previa cases. The most frequent complications were postpartum hemorrhage (37.9 % vs. 16.3 % for patients with major and minor placenta previa, respectively), transfusion requirement (23.3 and 9.3 %, respectively), and maternal ICU admission (40.8 % vs. 18.6 %, respectively). There were no cases of maternal death. Conclusions: There is a high frequency of complications in women with placenta previa, and it is probably higher in cases of major placenta previa. Further studies are needed to compare the frequency of maternal complications according to the type of placenta previa.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Colombia
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220219


Background: Managing a brain tumor during pregnancy is a highly confusing and challenging situation, complicated by several technical, medical, ethical, and sociocultural concerns. The interests of the mother and child are often pitted against each other, for which legal opinion may occasionally be needed. Case Report?We present the report of a young lady with intracranial well-differentiated chondrosarcoma who was determined to be pregnant in the immediate postoperative period. We discuss the management of challenges and dilemmas in devising optimum therapy, and the modifications and care required at each step to help safeguard maternal and fetal health. Risks with therapeutic radiation and measures to assess and pre-empt fetal doses that may assist decision-making are also discussed. Conclusion?Radiation therapy during pregnancy is challenging and requires multidisciplinary involvement and psychosocial support for the patient and family.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515504


Introducción. La condición nutricional de la mujer antes y durante el embarazo es uno de los determinantes del riesgo de morbimortalidad materna. Objetivo. Determinar la relación del incremento del índice de masa corporal y la presencia de infección de las vías urinarias en primigestas. Métodos. Estudio de casos y controles en expedientes de primigestas. Se estudiaron variables sociodemográficas (edad, escolaridad, vida en pareja y ocupación), condiciones obstétricas (riesgo obstétrico, semanas de inicio del control prenatal, semanas de resolución del embarazo y número de consultas prenatales), antropometría al inicio y al final del embarazo (peso, talla, índice de masa corporal y condición nutricional -peso bajo, peso normal, sobrepeso y obesidad-, ganancia de peso y ganancia de índice de masa corporal) y modificación de la condición nutricional al inicio y al final del embarazo. El análisis estadístico se efectuó con porcentajes, promedios, intervalos de confianza para promedios, prueba de chi2, razón de momios, intervalos de confianza para razón de momios, regresión lineal simple y proyección de la ocurrencia del evento. Resultados. Cuando el incremento del índice de masa corporal fue de 5 kg/m2, el promedio de infección de las vías urinarias correspondió a 1,62 y, si el incremento del índice de masa corporal fue 10 kg/m2, el promedio de infección de las vías urinarias fue 2,3. Conclusión. En nuestro estudio, a mayor incremento del índice de masa corporal durante el embarazo de la primigesta, mayor fue su probabilidad de presentar infección de las vías urinarias.

Introduction: The nutritional status of women before and during pregnancy is one of the determinants of the risk of maternal morbidity and mortality. Objective: To determine the relationship between the increase in body mass index and the presence of urinary tract infection in primigravidae. Methods: Case-control study in primigravidae records. We studied sociodemographic variables (age, schooling, life as a couple and occupation), obstetric conditions (obstetric risk, weeks of beginning of prenatal control, weeks of pregnancy resolution and number of prenatal visits), anthropometry at the beginning and end of pregnancy (weight, height, body mass index and nutritional condition -underweight, normal weight, overweight and obesity-, weight gain and body mass index gain), and modification of nutritional condition at the beginning and end of pregnancy. Statistical analysis was performed with percentages, averages, confidence intervals for averages, Chi2 test, odds ratio, confidence intervals for odds ratio, simple linear regression, and projection of event occurrence. Results: When the increase in body mass index was 5 kg/m2, the mean urinary tract infection corresponded to 1.62 and, if the increase in body mass index was 10 kg/m2, the mean urinary tract infection was 2.3. Conclusion: In our study, the greater the increase in body mass index during pregnancy of the primigravida, the greater her probability of presenting urinary tract infection.

DST j. bras. doenças sex. transm ; 35jan. 31, 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526862


Introduction: Maternal and child health are essential to public health, especially during pregnancy, where urogenital infections can affect mothers and fetuses. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) increase obstetric risks and have complex connections with the human immunodeficiency virus ­ HIV. In Brazil, pregnant women with HIV are a growing concern, requiring focus and appropriate interventions. Objective: This study aimed to examine the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of urogenital infections in pregnant women with and without HIV and to assess whether there are notable differences between these groups. Methods: A scoping review was conducted following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses ­ Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) and Joanna Briggs Institute guidelines. Databases such as Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) were explored using relevant terms. Inclusion/exclusion criteria selected nine studies for analysis. A Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and Study Design (PICOS) approach directed the search. Results: Pregnant women with HIV had a high prevalence of STIs, including Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Trichomonas vaginalis, and bacterial vaginosis. HIV infection appears to influence the risk and severity of urogenital infections. Pregnancy increases the risk of STIs, regardless of HIV status. Male partners may also influence the presence of STIs in pregnant women, especially those with HIV. Conclusion: This study highlights the association between HIV status and urogenital infections in pregnant women, indicating the need for appropriate screening and care. Prevention and treatment of STIs in pregnant women are essential for maternal and child health, regardless of HIV status. An in-depth understanding of these issues can improve public policies, clinical practices, and preventive interventions that target the overall health of these vulnerable populations.Keywords: HIV. Signs and symptoms. Female urogenital diseases and pregnancy complications. Pregnant women. Sexually transmitted infections

Introdução: A saúde materna e infantil é essencial na saúde pública, especialmente durante a gravidez, quando infecções urogenitais podem afetar mães e fetos. Infecções sexualmente transmissíveis (IST) aumentam riscos obstétricos e têm conexões complexas com o vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV). No Brasil, gestantes com HIV são uma preocupação crescente, requerendo foco e intervenções adequadas. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo examinar as características clínicas e epidemiológicas das infecções urogenitais em mulheres grávidas com e sem HIV, avaliando se há diferenças notáveis entre esses grupos. Métodos: Uma revisão de escopo foi conduzida, seguindo as diretrizes Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses - Extension for Scoping Reviews(PRISMA-ScR) e Joanna Briggs Institute. Bases de dados como Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) foram exploradas com termos relevantes. Os critérios de inclusão/exclusão selecionaram nove estudos para análise. Uma abordagem do tipo População, Intervenção, Comparação, Desfecho e Desenho do Estudo (PICOS) direcionou a pesquisa. Resultados: Mulheres grávidas com HIV apresentaram alta prevalência de IST, incluindo Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Trichomonas vaginalis e vaginose bacteriana. A infecção por HIV parece influenciar o risco e a gravidade das infecções urogenitais. A gravidez aumentou o risco de IST, independentemente do status de HIV. Os parceiros masculinos também podem influenciar a presença de IST em mulheres grávidas, especialmente aquelas com HIV. Conclusão: A associação entre o status de HIV e as infecções urogenitais em mulheres grávidas indica a necessidade de rastreamento e cuidado adequado. A prevenção e o tratamento de IST em gestantes são essenciais para a saúde materno-infantil, independentemente do status de HIV

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious , Urinary Tract Infections , HIV Infections/complications , Reproductive Tract Infections , Severity of Illness Index
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 21: eAO0046, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430284


ABSTRACT Objective To estimate the prevalence of syphilis and its associated factors in women who were treated at public maternity hospitals and received prenatal care in a primary healthcare unit. Methods This cross-sectional study included 399 postpartum women. Interviews were conducted, and additional data were extracted from the pregnant woman's booklet, medical records, and printed tests. The dependent variable was a gestational syphilis diagnosis. The independent variables were grouped into socioeconomic and demographic, behavioral, reproductive, and prenatal blocks. The prevalence, prevalence ratios, and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) were calculated. The χ 2 test was also performed (p≤0.05). Multivariate analysis was performed using Poisson regression models. Results The prevalence of gestational syphilis was 9.61% (95%CI: 7.14-12.83). We identified the following determining factors (adjusted prevalence ratios): history of sexually transmitted infections (2.3), first sexual intercourse by the age of 15 (2.42), partner having a history of syphilis (5.98), partner using crack/cocaine (6.42) and marijuana and others (3.02), not having a partner (3.07), low income (2.85), history of stillbirth (5.21), beginning prenatal care in the third trimester (3.15), and prenatal care received in a primary healthcare unit (without a Family Health Strategy team) (0.35). Conclusion Individual and prenatal factors were associated with gestational syphilis. To control congenital syphilis, targeted interventions are needed to control syphilis in the adult population including expansion of access to quality prenatal care with identification of risks for syphilis and connection between prevention and treatment actions, implementation of strategies focused on early sexual education, effective establish prenatal care involving both partners, and effective implementation of the National Men's Health Policy (PNAISH - Política Nacional de Atenção Integral à Saúde dos Homens ).

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 91(1): 1-10, ene. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430445


Resumen OBJETIVOS: Describir y comparar la influencia de la edad materna en los desenlaces maternos y perinatales. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio observacional, retrospectivo y unicéntrico en el que se reunieron todos los partos ocurridos en el año 2020 en un hospital español. La edad de la mujer se categorizó en tres tramos (1: menores de 35 años; 2: más o menos mayores de 35 años y menores de 40 años; 3: mayores de 40 años). RESULTADOS: Se reunió una población de estudio de 1700 mujeres y encontró una clara correlación entre la edad materna avanzada y el riesgo de cesárea y una tendencia no significativa hacia una mayor cantidad de partos instrumentados. La edad materna avanzada es un factor de riesgo de sufrir distintas enfermedades relacionadas con el embarazo y con malos desenlaces perinatales. Puesto que la tendencia actual marca un aumento de este tipo de embarazos es indispensable conocer los riesgos obstétricos a fin de informar y asesorar correctamente a las embarazadas y llevar a cabo las actuaciones pertinentes que eviten las complicaciones más frecuentes. CONCLUSIONES: Existe mayor tasa de cesárea en embarazos en edad avanzada después de ajustar los factores de confusión. Los desenlaces fetales no se ven afectados por la edad materna ni con otros eventos perinatales.

Abstract OBJETIVE: To describe and compare the influence of maternal age on maternal and perinatal outcomes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Observational, retrospective, single-center, retrospective study in which all deliveries that occurred in the year 2020 in a Spanish hospital were collected. The age of the women was categorized into three groups (1: under 35 years; 2: more or less older than 35 years and younger than 40 years; 3: older than 40 years). RESULTS: A study population of 1700 women was assembled and found a clear correlation between advanced maternal age and risk of cesarean section and a nonsignificant trend toward a higher number of instrumented deliveries. Advanced maternal age is a risk factor for various pregnancy-related diseases and poor perinatal outcomes. Since the current trend shows an increase in this type of pregnancies, it is essential to know the obstetric risks in order to correctly inform and advise pregnant women and to carry out the pertinent actions to avoid the most frequent complications. CONCLUSIONS: There is a higher rate of caesarean section in advanced age pregnancies after the confounding factors were adjusted. Fetal outcomes are not affected by maternal age, as well as other perinatal events.

Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 69(10): e20230048, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514692


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare Maternal Near Miss prevalence and outcomes before and during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. METHODS: This retrospective study was carried out in a university maternity hospital of high complexity. The population was divided into two groups: G1, 1 year before the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic period (August 2018-July 2019) and G2, 1 year during the pandemic period (August 2020-July 2021). All pregnant/postpartum women hospitalized up to 42 days after the end of pregnancy/childbirth were included, and pregnant women who were admitted with coronavirus disease 2019/flu symptoms were excluded. The association of variables with "Maternal Near Miss" was estimated using logistic regression. RESULTS: A total of 568 women from G1 and 349 women from G2 fulfilled the Maternal Near Miss criteria. The prevalence of Maternal Near Miss in pre-pandemic was 144.1/1,000 live births and during the pandemic was 78.5/1,000 live births. In the analysis adjusted for G1, the factors of days of hospitalization (PR: 1.02, CI: 1.0-1.0, p<0.05), pre-eclampsia (PR: 0.41, CI: 1.4-2.2, p<0.05), and sepsis/severe systemic infection (PR: 1.79, CI: 0.3-0.4, p<0.05) were crucial for women with the Maternal Near Miss condition to have a greater chance of being admitted to the intensive care unit. In G2, low education (PR: 0.45, CI: 0.2-0.9, p<0.05), eclampsia (PR: 5.28, CI: 3.6-7.6, p<0.05), and use of blood products (PR: 6.48, CI: 4.7-8.8, p<0.05) increased the risk of admission to the intensive care unit. CONCLUSION: During the pandemic, there was a lower prevalence of Maternal Near Miss in high-risk pregnancies, fewer hospitalizations, and more deaths compared to the non-pandemic period.

Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 45(4): 192-200, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449720


Abstract Objective To evaluate the use of different treatment options for ectopic pregnancy and the frequency of severe complications in a university hospital. Methods Observational study with women with ectopic pregnancy admitted at UNICAMP Womeńs Hospital, Brazil, between 01/01/2000 and 12/31/2017. The outcome variables were the type of treatment (first choice) and the presence of severe complications. Independent variables were clinical and sociodemographic data. Statistical analysis was carried out by the Cochran-Armitage test, chi-square test, Mann-Whitney test and multiple Cox regression. Results In total 673 women were included in the study. The mean age was 29.0 years (± 6.1) and the mean gestational age was 7.7 (± 2.5). The frequency of surgical treatment decreased significantly over time (z = -4.69; p < 0.001). Conversely, there was a significant increase in the frequency of methotrexate treatment (z = 4.73; p < 0.001). Seventy-one women (10.5%) developed some type of severe complication. In the final statistical model, the prevalence of severe complications was higher in women who were diagnosed with a ruptured ectopic pregnancy at admission (PR = 2.97; 95%CI: 1.61-5.46), did not present with vaginal bleeding (PR = 2.45; 95%CI: 1.41-4.25), had never undergone laparotomy/laparoscopy (PR = 6.69; 95%CI: 1.62-27.53), had a non-tubal ectopic pregnancy (PR = 4.61; 95%CI: 1.98-10.74), and do not smoke (PR = 2.41; 95%CI: 1.08-5.36). Conclusion there was a change in the first treatment option for cases of ectopic pregnancy in the hospital during the period of analysis. Factors inherent to a disease that is more difficult to treat are related to a higher frequency of severe complications.

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar as diferentes opções de tratamento para gravidez ectópica e a frequencia de complicações graves em um hospital universitário. Métodos Estudo observacional com mulheres com gravidez ectópica admitidas no Hospital da Mulher da UNICAMP, no Brasill, entre 01/01/2000 e 31/12/2017. As variáveis de desfecho foram o tipo de tratamento (primeira escolha) e a presença de complicações graves. As variáveis independents foram dados clínicos e sociodemográficos. A análise estatística foi realizada pelo teste de Cochran-Armitage, teste de qui-quadrado, teste de Mann-Whitney e Regressão de Cox Múltipla. Resulados No total, 673 mulheres foram incluídas no estudo. A idade médica foi de 29.0 anos (± 6.1) e a idade gestacional media foi de 7.7 (± 2.5). A frequencia de tratamento cirúrgico diminuiu significativamente ao longo dos anos(z = -4.69; p < 0.001). Simultaneamente, houve um aumento da frequencia do tratamento clínico(z = 4.73; p < 0.001). Setenta e uma mulheres (10.5%) desenvolveram algum tipo de complicação grave. No modelo estatístico final, a prevalência de complicações graves foi maior nas mulheres que tiveram diagnóstico de gestação ectópica rota à admissão (PR = 2.97; 95%CI: 1.61-5.46), que não apresentaram sangramento vaginal (PR = 2.45; 95%CI: 1.41-4.25), sem antecedentes de laparotomia/laparoscopia (PR = 6.69; 95%CI: 1.62-27.53), com gravidez ectópica não-tubária (PR = 4.61; 95%CI: 1.98-10.74), e não tabagistas (PR = 2.41; 95%CI: 1.08-5.36). Conclusão Houve uma mudança na escolha do primeiro tratamento indicado nos casos de gravidez ectópica durante o período analisado. Os fatores inerentes a doença relacionados a maior dificuldade de tratamento foram associados a maior frequencia de complicações graves.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications , Pregnancy Trimester, First , Pregnancy, Tubal , Uterine Hemorrhage